
(2024). Diffusion-Guided Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation. ECCV 2024.
(2024). T4P: Test-Time Training of Trajectory Prediction via Masked Autoencoder and Actor-specific Token Memory. CVPR 2024.
(2024). Multi-agent Long-term 3D Human Pose Forecasting via Interaction-aware Trajectory Conditioning. CVPR 2024 (Hightlight).
(2023). Leveraging Future Relationship Reasoning for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction. ICLR 2023.
(2022). BIPS: Bi-modal Indoor Panorama Synthesis via Residual Depth-Aided Adversarial Learning. ECCV 2022.
(2021). Unlocking the Potential of Ordinary Classifier: Class-Specific Adversarial Erasing Framework for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation. ICCV 2021.
(2020). Identifying Reflected Images From Object Detector in Indoor Environment Utilizing Depth Information. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and ICRA 2021.